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Main Stage Programme

Surface Design Show 2024


Trend Forecast - Colour Hive

07 Feb 2024

Colour Hive are returning to SDS with a dedicated 2025 showcase, featuring exclusive future insights from Colour Hive membership including MIX Magazine, Colour, Material and Finish Directions and Global Colours alongside an edit of one-of-a-kind inspirational objects and materials inspired by their 2025 design direction Hack. In Hack, Colour Hive develop themes that question how the snowballing of advancements in tech could impact creativity.

In this environment, we enter a liminal world, where aesthetics are informed by the Metaverse, gaming and AI. Join us for live seminars with creative agency Colour Hive. Featuring two diverse stories from their 2025 forecast, Colour Hive will explore the macro drivers, colour palettes and material and finish directions in an inspiring and insightful presentation

Hannah Malein, Creative Director | Head of Trends - Colour Hive | MIX Magazine